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3rd year with bees 2019

Growth for Craigs hives and Liby's products

This year was a building and replacing old gear year for Liby and expanding the hive numbers for Craig. The honey shed moved from the Zillmere carport to Craig’s double garage at Northlakes. I worked on perfecting the food wax wraps for Bribie markets and designed a small and large gift pack.

We both threw ourselves into swarm and wild hive rescues (see Brighton rescue) including a number of messy and not-so-messy cavity wall cutouts. We built a bee vacuum for our Northside Beekeepers Association loan equipment.

We branched out into extra suppliers like Farm House at Kedron where our honey was made into Ricotta Fig and Honey Gelato. A very exciting win. We also got professional labels designed which was well overdue.

The Yandina and Brisbane hives continued to tick along and teach me more and more. We both started investing in Nuplas recycled plastic hives (see assembly video) after Craig tested almost every technology on the market.

The second batch of bochet mead that I made for the Redcliffe Show won first prize and also first prize at Dayboro Show and third at the Royal Brisbane Ekka. Craig put a full honey frame into the shows which came first and we took home a few wax prizes also.

beekeeping supplies

This year we really started looking for property to move the us and the hives out of the city. We knew the time would come but when the Moreton Shire Council gave us 1 week to move all 24 hives out of the Northlakes 400m2 block we knew the time was nigh. It took a long time but in November we found in just outside Gympie.

A huge thank you for a great year and the amazing ongoing support from family, suppliers and customers. We really appreciate it.