5 Frame Nucleus Hive | Bees & Frames Only


Come and inspect our 5 frame nucleus hives sold direct from the apiary to the public. This is 5 frames of brood, bees and good quality breeder stock queen bee is the perfect way to  start learning beekeeping. These colonies have a newly mated and marked queen bee and are generally strong enough to expand into a 10 frame box within the month, depending on the time of year.


The queen has a proven laying pattern with a minimum of two thirds of at least 2 frames, showing sealed brood on several frames. The frames are the standard full depth size and have been assembled by Craig (who is a qualified carpenter). All the comb is in good and clean condition and free from chalk brood, nosema, and other disease. Colonies will vary from season to season but the performance of the queens and colonies have been monitored prior to sale. Our nuclei have not been made as a swarm control method


We generally have 5 frame nucleus availability from October to January of each season. For best results, don’t leave it too late in the season to start your colony. Orders are dependent on availability so please send a web inquiry and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Contact us if you are needing further support. Order now and start expanding your bee colony!


Full 5 Frame Nucleus Hive for Sale

Come and inspect our 5 frame nucleus hives sold direct from the Gympie apiary to the public. This includes 5 frames of brood, bees and a quality queen bee ready to go in your empty box. The 5 frame nucleus hive is the best way to start learning beekeeping and see the colony grow from the beginning. These colonies have a freshly mated marked queen bee and are generally strong enough to expand into a 10 frame box (with divider) within the month (depending on your foraging location). Our queen bees included in our nucleus starter hives are bred for temperament, productivity and disease resistance.

The perfect starter for your 8 or 10 frame Flow Hive, Langstroth hive or Long Langstroth hive.

The hives

Our bee hives for sale are located in our Gympie apiary with strong calm queen stock and are ready for collection. We only sell clean and healthy bee hives, as we want you to have the best experience possible. Follow our youtube channel that showcase our chemical free beekeeping methods or our blog on what to learn when you are starting with bees.

The 5 frame bee hives are installed into a hive box that you can provide yourself when collected from the farm. Libees Honey has supported 100’s of beekeepers to get established with their first hives.


The best time of year to get started is Spring and Summer when your 5 frame nucleus hive has time to grow before slowing down over the winter months. Nuclei made at the end of or after the main honey flow will build up, but for the beginner, there is greater chance of loosing the colony over the winter months when honey flow and forage are greatly reduced.

Orders are dependent on availability so please send a web inquiry and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Contact us for further support. Order now and start expanding your bee colony!