Replacement Queen Bee? Splitting Hives?
Do you need a replacement queen bee for your hive asap? Buy queen bee quality, young, marked, and beautiful temperament. These mated queen bees are ready to be introduced to an existing colony or used to start a new colony.
Our beautiful calm young queen bees are mated in the wild at our queen breeding site near Gympie, are raised in a natural environment and ready to start laying in your hive. Marked with this year’s international breeding colour, our Italian Caucasian queen bees are grafted by Craig. They have a calm temperament, great hygiene, beautiful colouring, and productive nature. Each laying pattern and health of the queen is inspected in the field before collection. All queens are young and strong. The introduction of a mated queen will quickly improve the genetics of your colony and boost honey production. Colonies benefit from having an established young queen introduced into the hive in autumn so that by spring the colony has a larger brood area and more worker bees than a colony with an older queen under the same conditions. Our mated queen bees are also gentle and easy to handle, making them suitable for both experienced and new beekeepers.
Availability and collection
Each queen bee is supplied in a queen cage containing the queen and a few escorts, and candy for the bees’ journey to you. When you collect the bees, please put a drop of water on the queen cage or a damp paper towel beneath the cage as they are thirsty in transit.
Their availability depends on the demand and breeding cycles so we ask that you keep this in mind. We don’t select for colour, we select for behaviour traits. The queen bee will feed on candy during her transportation phase however recommend placing her into a colony as soon as possible once she arrives. Queens can be available between August – April , although supply is usually limited early in the season so it is advisable to book ahead. We tend to product queen bees between September – March (spring to Autumn).
Queen bees for sale for pick up from North Deep Creek or Express Post by Australia Post or contact us if collect can be arranged in Brisbane or Sunshine Coast hive maintenance schedules if buying more than 10 queens.
Our happy hives for queens are located at our Gympie apiaries which are all disease-free using honey culture reports. We use no chemicals or antibiotics in the management of our bees. We are organically minded in every step of our beekeeping journey. Watch a video on queen trumpeting here. We really love what we do and it shows.
When you buy queen bee or any of our products you are supporting a local family of beekeepers that support an important industry and other family-run businesses. Dream big for local impact!
Introducing queens to the hive
For more resources on methods on introducing a queen bee to your hive please see the link here and a video from DPI here (leave hive queenless for 2-24 hrs prior to introducing the new queen). We are members of the Australian Queen Bee Breeders’ Association.
Order your mated queen bee today and start reaping the benefits of a strong and healthy colony.